The COVID-19 Forecast Hub is based at the Reich Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. However the Hub team encompasses researchers from around the US and the globe. The following lists those who have helped out with the Hub effort iself, in reverse alphabetical order:
- Martha Zorn, UMass-Amherst (project management)
- Nutcha Wattanachit, UMass-Amherst (ensemble model, data curation)
- Serena Wang, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Vrushti Modi, UMass-Amherst (architecture)
- Ariane Stark, UMass-Amherst (data curation, architecture, fairness)
- Apurv Shah, UMass-Amherst (data curation, architecture)
- Alvaro J. Castro Rivadeneira, UMass-Amherst (communication)
- Nicholas Reich, UMass-Amherst (project lead, ensemble model, data curation)
- Evan Ray, UMass-Amherst (architecture, ensemble model)
- Jarad Niemi, Iowa State (data curation)
- Khoa Le, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Ayush Khandelwal, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Abdul Hannan Kanji, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Dasuni Jayawardena, UMass-Amherst (data curation, fairness)
- Yuxin Huang, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Katie House, UMass-Amherst (architecture, data curation)
- Aaron Gerding, UMass-Amherst (ensemble model, architecture)
- Estee Cramer, UMass-Amherst (data curation, ensemble model)
- Matt Cornell, UMass-Amherst (architecture, Zoltar)
- Andrea Brennen, In-Q-Tel (design, data curation)
- Johannes Bracher, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (ensemble model, data curation)
We also have had the privilege of working with a global team of forecasting experts on thinking about our ensemble model. The “ensemble advisory team” consists of the following individuals, whom we wish to acknowledge and thank publicly:
- Sebastian Funk, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Tilmann Gneiting, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Ryan Tibshirani, Carnegie Mellon
- Anja Mühlemann, Universität Bern
Finally we wish to thank our collaborators at the CDC whose advice, support, dedication, and long-term vision for collaborative infectious disease forecasting efforts we greatly appreciate! They are Matt Biggerstaff, Michael Johansson, Velma Lopez, Rachel Slayton, and Jo Walker.